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Desc:All singing! All dancing! All Klansmen!
Category:Arts, Music Videos
Tags:Musical, jerry springer, A KKKhorus Line
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Comment count is 6
TeenerTot - 2007-08-07

It SO wants to be "Springtime for Hitler". But it is not.

mon666ster - 2007-08-07

The touring edition of this show is gonna go over like gangbusters in the South.

Hooper_X - 2007-08-07

The score doesn't seem to be very good, but from what I understand, the book is relatively clever.

Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2007-08-07

+1 for the last tag. Besides, I'd probably watch this for the right price.

Well, it's time to hunt some Avenue Q clips then.

Roachbud - 2007-08-07

Fuck this

Daughters of Uzbek - 2007-08-08

Jesus that sucked.

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