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Comment count is 16
Cena_mark - 2011-09-28

The Soviets were cool when they were fighting our mutual enemy, but then they turned into assholes and started trying to spread their fucked up way of life.

Anaxagoras - 2011-09-28

You just perfectly described the United States.

Cena_mark - 2011-09-28

Right... After WW2 One Korea adopted the Soviet way and another Korea adopted the American way. Who had the fucked up way of life now?

Anaxagoras - 2011-09-28

Oooh. So because one side is fucked up, that means the other, by definition, isn't?

You're an idiot.

Shanghai Tippytap - 2011-09-28

He literally thinks the world operates like Wrestling promos.

Ursa_minor - 2011-09-28

Do I even need to point out why Korea is a bad example? No, yes? Look, I...yeah, alright.

LetsFistAgain - 2011-09-28

Fucking Commies, keeping the Mujahideen-man down.

kingarthur - 2011-09-28

Lenin himself stated that the Soviet Union was not communist, but a "state capitalist" (his words) society. The reason for the failure to overturn the appropriation and distribution of surplus was a fear of losing the support of the peasantry after having gone through WWI, a civil war, the revolution and an invasion by France, the USA, and the UK. No one thought that changing the employer-employee relationship was a good political move since the country was devastated. Granted, the employer effectively became the State, but the overwhelming majority of the relationship remained unchanged. You get similar problems in China and North Korea and Cuba since they are all effectively state capitalists to varying degrees and are still exposed to the bipolar highs and lows of capitalist economics.

13.5 - 2011-09-28

The chief fight between communists and anarchists is whether the state should first create an workers society and then get out of the way, or whether the state is inherently an organ of oppression that will invariably be controlled by the interests of whoever controls it (capitalists in traditional societies, the political/capitalist class after a marxist takeover of the state) so that any workers revolution has to be federalized and decentralized in advance

So far as I know, no state communism has ever gotten to the "then get out of the way" part

kingarthur - 2011-09-28

I'm making my argument from a Marxist perspective, wherein Marx never wrote more than a pamphlet about communism or socialism in any sense. He never articulated how to set up a communist or socialist society, only hinted at it in fact. The large majority of his work is basically concerned with all the ways in which capitalism is brutal and inefficient. Not arguing with you, just making a distinction between Marxism and communism more than anything.

kingarthur - 2011-09-28

That said I think a Marxist-communism and anarchism have much more in common than people think.

baleen - 2011-09-28

hahahaha shut the fuck up cena. "The soviets were cool when they were fighting our mutual enemy..." hahah

13.5 - 2011-09-28

Fair enough KA, we've kind of gotten off the original topic: who hates Adolph Hitler the most

I think it's pretty much Captain America or holocaust victims, who do you think cena

glasseye - 2011-09-28

Calm down 13.5. Hitler oppressed Cena's fellow brony-kind just like everyone else who was "different".

Ursa_minor - 2011-09-28

God, only 193,000,000 people in that entire country at this point in time? Hard to imagine.

cool water sandwich - 2011-09-28

"Russians have no hearts of their own, and must consume fresh blood to subsist."

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