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Comment count is 9
themilkshark - 2012-03-13

Fuck that mailbox.

TeenerTot - 2012-03-13

Some garbage man tapes his own house to prank his boss with "a tape from a pissed customer."

YakooMarkTwo - 2012-03-13

What was the prank? Why would he pick up the mail? I call shenanigans.

The Mothership - 2012-03-13

no context, no explanation, no prank.

jreid - 2012-03-13

For me the poor description doesn't lessen the magic of this wonderful hissy fit.

TeenerTot - 2012-03-13

Some garbage man tapes his own house to prank his boss with "a tape from a pissed customer."

It's in the YouTube comments.

MrBuddy - 2012-03-14

Either way it's shenanigans.

catpenis27 - 2012-03-13

A long time ago, my grandpa changed his car's oil and put the used oil into milk cartons, duct taped them up, and threw them in the trash. He was standing nearby when the Sanitation Engineer started the compacting cycle on the truck. The oil exploded all over the trash man. My grandpa didn't describe anything after that, but said the man was "royally pissed."

sosage - 2012-03-14

Also a long time ago, we use to not give a shit about videos either being not evil enough or being fake.

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