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Comment count is 8
THA SUGAH RAIN - 2012-04-15

Oprah is a demon and Robin Williams is possessed. Also sexy people are a conspiracy. WHERE DO I SIGN UP???

Spaceman Africa - 2012-04-15

2 minutes in and what the fuck is going on?

Riskbreaker - 2012-04-15

These guys would love to hang out with that islamic guy that says the devil pisses on your mouth when you yawn.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-04-15

Surely, Satan would have better things to do than be involved with the Syfy network in any way, shape or form. It would just be bad for his image.

memedumpster - 2012-04-15

So Christians are using Hollywood movies designed to scare and entertain people to scare people in a not entertaining, but socially, ethically, and intellectually, destructive manner?

I can see how they can say their position is superior.

OxygenThief - 2012-04-15

By Konstantin (Inland Empire & San Diego, CA USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Hollywood Unmasked 2 (Amazon Instant Video)

I've seen this some time ago. Probably more than a year... or two

I have to say this much: after watching this, and other videos by this studio, I have VERY different outlook at the money making business in Hollywood.
Like it or not, Hollywood Unmasked, Hollywood Unmasked 2, and Hollywood's war on God will change how you watch movies...

As to accuracy of the research (or lack there of) , of the content, make your own call.

Blue - 2012-04-16

Oh, quit whining. Religious assholes get to fucking censor our movies and our bullshit media fucking pretends it isn't censorship because fuck I don't even know. If you want to see tits you better be prepared to see the woman they are attached to die a fucking horrible death.

These people are fucking monsters. They can't handle five seconds of a woman smiling during a sex scene but they're completely ok with all the naked corpses.

Rudy - 2012-04-16

Anything medium that shows people doing anything but praying in church is inherently demonic. Discuss.

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