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Comment count is 25
Wonko the Sane - 2012-05-24

please make it stop

cognitivedissonance - 2012-05-24

Schadenfreude, I has it.

freedoom - 2012-05-24

why is she wearing a microphone?

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2012-05-24

Why would someone randomly record a dog sniffing around a sink? Who keeps black spray paint conveniently in the kitchen cabinet? Why would she wear pants scientifically designed to make her ass look so bad?
This fake video could at least have put some effort into it.

CIWB - 2012-05-24

I don't think it's fake. If the Youtube comments can be believed, she was making a video about the crazy things her corgi does, like attacking cleaning supplies.

Koda Maja - 2012-05-24

"If the Youtube comments can be believed"

pastorofmuppets - 2012-05-24

her ass looks fine TAKE IT BACK YOU MONSTER

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2012-05-24

Are you blind? Her ass looks terrible. Its like her ankles just get wider until they become her back. I'm sorry if she had some traumatic butt loss accident, but they make more flattering jeans.

pressed peanut sweepings - 2012-05-24

That dog is most assuredly not fucking kidding you, ma'am.

TheOtherCapnS - 2012-05-24

Fake as fake can be.

Noober - 2012-05-24

Hey check this out, ya dumb douche


OldScratch - 2012-05-24

Staged. She releases his collar and allows the dog to dig into the cabinet for a few seconds as part of the script. The dog isn't injured. They don't immediately get him to a vet because he ingested toxic paint, got it all in his eyes, nose mouth. There appear to be about 2 tablespoons of paint in that can, and the explosion is too small. They don't show the burnt aftermath of the kitchen. And the acting is horrible. No screaming, no swearing. This is some lame, attempted viral marketing to get more views for the scheming PetCollective.

Noober - 2012-05-24

Alternatively: PetCollective attempted to video tape a dog that attacks cleaning supplies, and the rest was unintentional.

If you watch the follow up video they did go to the vet and they did show the burnt aftermath of the kitchen (plus fire fighters).

Raggamuffin - 2012-05-24

I might, MIGHT entertain that possibility if they didn't insert a canned explosion sound when the can lit.

OldScratch - 2012-05-24

They only claimed they went to the vet, and they had a brief clip of a firetruck rolling past an alley, and one man dressed in a firefighter's outfit. His visit looks cheap and staged. The burnt kitchen looks very much the same as the paint sprayed kitchen, but with a blistered can.

OldScratch - 2012-05-24

'So, I think this one is guaranteed to go viral, and we should see a monthly spike of at least 30% in ThePetCollective's ad revenue.' -Marketing Director, Shitty Ideas, Inc. NYC

OldScratch - 2012-05-24

These are the idiots behind this - http://www.youtube.com/user/ThePetCollective

onionradish - 2012-05-24

So what exactly is the goal with this type of viral junk? I get the "Old Spice" or Walk-Across-America jeans things. Are they hoping for ad revenue from people clicking? Are they just trying to get attention to their page for adoption, or dog training or whatever the hell Pet Collective "does"? So confused!

Hooker - 2012-05-24

Yeah, I've decided to one-star this bit of bullshit as well.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-05-24

I don't like to be dicked around with when corgis are involved.

Pompoulus - 2012-05-24

The only thing they forgot to put in was the Corgi thwarting an alien invasion.

Spike Jonez - 2012-05-24

This reminds me of stupid people who say "my dog is so bad!" and then do what this bitch does and laughs at every "bad" thing that do. If it's bad, yell. Dog will learn. Same with people who have kids who curse.

Hooker - 2012-05-24


duck&cover - 2012-05-24

They could make a new series: Demolition Dog, the Corgi-caust.

Sudan no1 - 2012-05-25

Despite all the "fake and gay" responses, that Corgi was acting like an ill mannered beast.

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