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Comment count is 10
akinskirage - 2012-10-01


Innocent Bystander - 2012-10-01

no stars for dupe but this video is like the OED definition of "weird boner".

Old_Zircon - 2012-10-01

"Japanese gameshow"

godot - 2012-10-01

Stoya: there's a fair amount of evidence regarding the "classy" descriptor.
Supervert: Recommend "Extraterrestrial Sex Fetish" over this title.

godot - 2012-10-01


Hitachi: Inspire the Next

Kabbage - 2012-10-01

I like the idea, but I get the feeling these are just porn actresses faking orgasms.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-10-01

Google Stoya, but not at work.

FABIO - 2012-10-01

You forgot that porn stars can't act.

I'VE DONE EXTENSIVE RESEARCH and the season 2 video is 11 minutes long. You would think if they're fake they'd try to stick to around the same length.

FABIO - 2012-10-01

and the "fake" theory has to believe that it's hard to get porn stars to use vibrators at a paid gig.

Kabbage - 2012-10-02

True, I suppose they wouldn't fluctuate so wildly in time if it were straight up staged.

I... believe...

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