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Comment count is 26
dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-10-11


cognitivedissonance - 2012-10-12

Based on a British show, which David Mitchell participated in. Turns out his ancestors were more or less the middle men in charge of the Highland Clearances (where my own ancestors came from, so HEY THANKS A LOT, David Mitchell, your ancestors were totally dicks to mine).

Sivak - 2012-10-12

You might like the one with David Tennant. His family got kicked off the highlands and moved south to Glasgow. Because nothing beats crushing agrarian poverty like crushing industrial poverty!

Although 'crushing industrial poverty' might also be literal.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-10-12

If you're white and living in America, you're related to a victim of the Highland Clearances.

Sivak - 2012-10-12

I would argue, but I fear that any statement I could make would be overshadowed by the fact that I am, in fact, an American of Scottish descent.

garcet71283 - 2012-10-12

I'm white, living in america and one generation removed from Germany on my dads side.

I recently found out we have family in Brazil.

Gonna stop while I'm ahead.

Bort - 2012-10-12

Peep Show: The Jacobite Years

kingarthur - 2012-10-12

Not unless the Highland clearances resulted in massive immigration to Norway and Italy....but hey, to each their own, ya mick bastard.

SolRo - 2012-10-13

for garcet;


EvilHomer - 2012-10-12

Wanda Sykes talking about her race, gosh, there's a surprise. She even draws attention to the fact that she's cultivated an "uppity" stage persona. Wonders never cease.

simon666 - 2012-10-12

You're kind of a butt.

Hay Belly - 2012-10-12

Poop on a dead nigger baby.

EvilHomer - 2012-10-12

No, no, I think it's totally great that she spent the last couple decades typecasting herself as a one-dimensional, vaguely racist caricature, in order to fuel her otherwise forgettable career as a B-list comic. Now when I see a black woman, I don't have to automatically assume she's a wise, friendly earth-mother, I can instead assume that she's a sass-mouthed, uppity bitch. Thanks, Wanda Sykes, and your non-slave high yellow ancestors, for holding up a mirror to our culture and showing us how ignorant and narrowminded we are.

simon666 - 2012-10-12

^ Exhibit B.

EvilHomer - 2012-10-12

I gave you a four for Conan!

Even though he did let a nigger on his show.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-10-12

Oh snap, someone called Wanda Sykes a nigger.

kingarthur - 2012-10-12

Has the Reason foundation or something infiltrated POE?

EvilHomer - 2012-10-12

They pay me in nickles and pages from Atlas Shrugged!

But that's another thing I hate about Wanda Sykes. This attitude she gives off, like she's the anointed mouthpiece for progressive liberalism, and it's a packaged deal: you either like her, or you're some crazy, Rush listening white dude. Heaven forbid you don't chuckle at her stale retreads of well practiced sapphire routines, or her indignant rants about how such and such a politically incorrect thing has made her monocle pop.

simon666 - 2012-10-12

^ Exhibit C.

il fiore bel - 2012-10-13

Well, that's too bad, Evil Homer.


Paracelsus - 2012-10-13

Well, white audiences are reassured by certain racist stereotypes, yes. There's a market for being one of these stock characters, and Wanda's filling that gap and getting paid.

Kabbage - 2012-10-12

I think I was sick of Wanda Sykes the first time I ever saw her.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-10-12

Oh come now, you at least have to give her credit for her role in Pootie Tang.

Kabbage - 2012-10-12

To my great shame, I've never seen Pootie Tang.

My awareness of Wanda Sykes comes from uncountable appearances in every major movie and tv show wherein they say "you people" somehow, and it escalates to her saying she is going to whoop yo ass.

It is pure agony, every single fucking time.

That guy - 2012-10-13

This seems to be the better version of EvilHomer's rant. But also, see Pootie Tang.

il fiore bel - 2012-10-13

The only thing I can honestly say ever turned me off of Wanda Sykes was her role in Evan Almighty.

Now that was an embarrassing waste of Wanda.

But I've enjoyed what I've seen her of her standup.

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