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Comment count is 7
urbanelf - 2012-11-09

I feel betrayed.

memedumpster - 2012-11-09

You should get some liquid nails or something and fix your cat flap. I don't think your cat is so fat that it broke the flap, I think the flap was poorly installed. While the cat looks large, it doesn't really look obese or awkward.

Here's a helpful wikihow on how to fit a cat flap.

Welcome to poe, we take cats for realz and would like to ensure their comfort and freedom from poorly made cat targeted products.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-11-09


StanleyPain - 2012-11-09

One star for unfunny YT user submitting his own stuff. How is this fucking getting through the hopper?

Hooker - 2012-11-09

Holy shit, that _is_ what's going on. Why would someone bother?

Triggerbaby - 2012-11-09

Something something earmites.

themilkshark - 2012-11-23

You're mean to your cat.

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