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Comment count is 11
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-12-14

I was literally drinking apple cider vinegar mixed with water when I came across this in the hopper.

It's the only thing that helps me when I have acid reflux. I know they claim a ridiculous amount of crap here, but it's a great product.

Old_Zircon - 2012-12-14

How drinking an acid helps reduce acid in your stomach is perplexing.

gmol - 2012-12-15

GI reflux issues can be debilitating and idiosyncratic.

If you have no idea what is causing it, you might want to try a probiotic. I was dismissive of them to start with (how could you possibly know if you have an "imbalance" in your gut fauna? we don't even know what is in there).

All I can say is that it (apparently) worked for me (assuming it didn't just happen by itself). We are slowly finding evidence that probiotics supplements can have significant effects on overall physiology.

I am not so sure about clinical evidence for apple cider.

memedumpster - 2012-12-15

I knocked out almost all of my acid reflux problems by sleeping on my left side.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-12-15

gmol, I am taking aspergillus.

I don't really know what it is. My diet has changed drastically since I moved to Korea and I often don't know what I'm eating.

I think I need to stay away from fried foods, though.

Baldr - 2012-12-14

Even their molecule illustration looks like giant pile of shit. At least their illustrator was committed to staying on message.

CrimsonHyperSloth - 2012-12-14

Not GMO! That's astounding! Considering just about everything is GMO, that whole dastardly hybridization thing we've engaged in since we started agriculture.

Most stuff we eat/grow hasn't resembled what it looked like in nature for a few centuries or so.

(Don't get me wrong, there is some seriously fucked up things with some of the stuff coming out these days. I just tire of the sweeping GMO IS BAD bullshit I hear.)

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-12-15

GMO is not hybridization, it's changing organisms on a molecular level by splicing them with other species, which is much different than cultivating through hybrids. You can't plant celery with tomatoes and expect them to combine. Or plant an eggplant with a dead mouse and let it absorb those cells.

GMO is a completely different territory which is very intertwined with chemical insecticides; hybrids can be done organically without that chemical dependency.

gmol - 2012-12-15

Different, but not obviously bad.

I find the profound thing about GMO is that it hasn't been nearly as successful as one might have imagined.

Sure corn, soy and tomatoes (I can't think of anything else off the top of my head). Googling shows me that we are just starting to see some people to try selling GM apples.

All of our wheat and cereals are not GM. There have been a few ventures that were hyped to no end and failed fantastically (golden "vitamin A" rice). We are still eating the same staple crops for the last few thousand years (with just a little bit of trading between old world and new).

And it's pretty easy to do things like make recombinant strains of yeast, yet we aren't passing around cool transgenic yeast strains that do crazy things like express thaumatin to make bread super sweet, and weird tasting beer. We mostly stick to easy stuff like putting GFP in anything we can to make it "glow green" (which it doesn't really).

Traditional hybridization has been responsible for far more manifested physical diversity in our plants that GM ever will be.

memedumpster - 2012-12-15

Viruses have been making GM humans forever now and we turned out okay. Geneticists recently learned that the so-called "junk DNA" in our genes is actually the operating system, and the control genes can be a way down the chain from the gene it controls. The true work of designer life can finally begin.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-12-15

I've used apple cider vinegar for treating warts, but never anything else therapeutically. It is a mild acid, so it really did erode the wart away over a few weeks. My girlfriend has used it too. You take a cotton swab dipped in some vinegar and leave it under a bandage overnight. After a while the wart gets black and falls off, leaving no scar.

That's the only real use of apple cider vinegar I've found though, and it does make you smell like Long John Silvers for a few weeks.

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