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Comment count is 5
Siebenstein - 2013-01-07

I feel like I've learned something.

TimidAres - 2013-01-07

"You can hit somebody with it, like THIS!"
Made me jump.

MrBuddy - 2013-01-07

This guy is a little too obsessed. On the other hand, who's got the guts to confiscate his sling shots?

Albuquerque Halsey - 2013-01-07

Is this really an actuate test? Human skin is surprisingly strong, and it would catch a projectile it it hit in the abdomen.

Doomstein - 2013-01-07

You have a very valid point.

Ballisitc gel can give an approximate measurement of penetration of comparibly high-velocity bullets where the human skin is negligible.

When it comes to much lower velocity projectiles like slingshots and spring loaded BB guns, the skin's resilience and elasticity plays a much larger role in getting an accurate reading.

But really all you have to do is shoot someone in the head with one of those marbles with a slingshot, and there's an excellent chance a skull fragment will chip off and end up in the target's brain.

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