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Comment count is 11
cognitivedissonance - 2013-02-28

Zeb Atlas, Dean Colter.

He's named after two gay porn stars.

Koda Maja - 2013-02-28

Jack Swagger was arrested for drunk driving earlier this month and would probably have gotten suspended or fired, but the WWE decided to run with this whole Glenn Beck thing.

So Glenn Beck likely ended up saving his job and keeping these characters around.

Good work as always, Glenn.

Cena_mark - 2013-02-28

Swagger sucks, but I like Zeb. Swagger just needs a guy to talk for him.

Change - 2013-02-28

This was about two weeks ago, right? TMZ said it was actually a pot bust. For a gabby gossip site, they really, really like their professional wrestlers.

CornOnTheCabre - 2013-02-28

It was actually a DUI AND a pot bust.

it's not so much that Vince is letting Swagger "get away with it," so much as another example of Vince just not giving a shit about ANYTHING besides his image of the WWE and the storylines that he really wants to run.

this was a feud that McMahon was really attached to and was already set for a Wrestlemania World Title match, with Beck-rage as the delicious icing on top. Swagger will almost certainly lose there and eat a 90-day suspension afterwards, likely erasing any possible momentum his career might have picked up.

themilkshark - 2013-02-28

CotC nailed it, he's this year's Alex Riley. That guy got into trouble right before the 'Mania he HEADLINED with John Cena, Miz and the Rock. He was jobbed out immediately after 'Mania and hasn't been seen on the main roster in over a year. I expect Swagger to suffer a similar fate, which honestly is a damn shame because the guy can wrestle his ass off. As a pot smoking fan I'm hoping Swagger suffers no repercussions for getting TMZ coverage for his angle.

kingarthur - 2013-02-28

This is pretty brilliant.

Old_Zircon - 2013-02-28

Glenn virtually never breaks kayfabe.

EvilHomer - 2013-02-28

I'd love to see Glenn Beck show up at RAW. He'd run his mouth, call the crowd a bunch of inbred hicks, then John Cena would come out and give him an FU.

This would segue into a storyline where John Cena runs for political office, and Glenn Beck's stable of heels tries to stop him with a combination of talk-radio webcasts and suplexes.

Stopheles - 2013-02-28

My God, what I wouldn't pay to see Dutch Mantell go to town on Glenn Beck.

baleen - 2013-03-01

My dad always told me that the first political movement to successfully mobilize professional wrestling as political shakers would never lose an election again. Beginning to feel that here.

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