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Comment count is 4
jangbones - 2013-04-02

Let's see some fancy New York Times reporters hop trains for a story

magnesium - 2013-04-02

Years ago, TV Ontario aired a documentary about train hobos over and over. I must've seen it four times. It included a hobo convention. I wonder if that one's on Youtube somewhere. I'd kinda like to know what happened to the hobo cheerleader girls.

CIWB - 2013-04-02

I liked Vice better when they didn't have these little twerp douchebags working for them.

Simillion - 2013-04-02

What period of time was this, exactly? Besides the epic badass stoners of the guide to travel series, the entire thing is run by twerps.

Also, the writers for pretty much every major news organization is powered by twerps.

Actually, everything you love and enjoy, including the internets you used to make this stupid post is brought to you by twerps, so at this point you look like a real jackass.

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