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Comment count is 17
Hooker - 2013-04-03

In order to play DF2: Jedi Knight online, you needed to know of a bulletin board-style website that would post and list active games (generally, client-hosted - Counter-Strike hadn't made server hosting a thing yet). It was a pain. So, when Jedi Knight II came out, even though it had a server browser built in, for some reason I went to zone.com, just out of familiarity with the archaic style of finding servers.

The God of Biscuits - 2013-04-03

heat.net was like 1000 times better for sweet IPX gaming.

TheOtherCapnS - 2013-04-03

10six ruled

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-04-04

oh my god. I haven't thought of heat.net in 15 or more years.

FABIO - 2013-04-04

The best part of heat.net was finding way to game their points system to cash in on prizes without paying anything.

Redford - 2013-04-04

Last I checked 10six was sold and is secretly still in service under the name "Project Visitor". Dunno if anyone actually plays it though.

baleen - 2013-04-04

I played games on my BBS (The Pit, Tradewars, Operation Overkill, etc.). Despite being primitive ASCII games these were loads funner than their Microsoft online counterparts. CompuServ had really expensive games at the turn of the decade that were the most amazing things ever.

You can actually play games with other people! Woah! I remember running up a bill on CompuServ gaming. I was grounded for a while.

rainbowcemetery - 2013-04-03

i played a crapload of mechwarrior3

memedumpster - 2013-04-03

I learned that nothing busts up a Counterstrike LAN party like picking a single computer and playing Mechwarrior by yourself. Within the hour half the party had switched games.

misterbuns - 2013-04-03

getting my 486dx to play xwing was how it all started.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-04-04

I recall so many times playing Doom on 14.4kbps line with my cousin. That was the BOMB. Kids these days don't know the sweet release of the dialup noise.

oddeye - 2014-03-30

I wish I had a dialup modem to go with my amstrad 464 tapedeck loading sounds.

StanleyPain - 2013-04-04

Wow, holy shit, I remember Golf 3.0. I played the shit out of it...
If I recall correctly it had some sort of asyncronous play because I distinctly remember playing a few games turn-by-turn with friends.

Yellow Lantern - 2013-04-04

90's youth/adolescent marketing had such a distinctly obnoxious feel to it. I can't really describe it, but it's all over this video.

chumbucket - 2013-04-04

MSN Gaming Zone was OK until I tried Close Combat. My opponent launched a perfect mortar strike on my only tank and then the connection was interrupted.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2013-04-04

Big Kahuna Golf Classic

baleen - 2013-04-04


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