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Comment count is 15
Caminante Nocturno - 2013-04-18

God almighty damn.

Meerkat - 2013-04-18


fedex - 2013-04-18

get in the goddamn truck

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2013-04-18

Zoning regulations? What are those?: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/04/18/us/fertilizer-plant- explosion.html?_r=0

memedumpster - 2013-04-18

Oh for fuck's sake, Texas.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-04-18

Hell, as far as I know, Houston has no zoning laws whatsoever. Anything could wind up built next to anything else. This was especially true, it seemed, for titty bars and pawn shops, which were the most common sight for me when driving through that godforsaken American version of Hong Kong.

Mmm, the smell of fresh exploded oil pipeline in the morning...

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-04-18

Don't mess with Texas, because it could blow up and destroy a school. Could you imagine if there were hundreds of children in there?

OxygenThief - 2013-05-02

The only way this could have been prevented is if everyone in the surrounding area also had large inventories of fertilizer.

boner - 2013-04-18

I once ran toward a factory on fire, to get it on video. In hindsight that was a dumb thing to do.

fedex - 2013-04-18

have you seen the tornado guy?

Father Avalanche - 2013-04-18

All hail West, Texas.

chairsforcheap - 2013-04-19

dude you have a knack for thinking exactly what i'm going to write

Father Avalanche - 2013-04-20

I don't know how many times I have said that about poetv comments.

animegurl1000 - 2013-04-19

All things considered, the portrait mode captured the smoke plume pretty well.

But in all serious, seeing those emergency vehicles, then not seeing them after the explosion made me :(, especially in light of the news reports saying that almost every firefighter and EMT who was on the scene was killed.

DavidBowiesLuckyTennisBall - 2013-04-19

That got me too :( Engulfed. I hope it was quick.

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