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Comment count is 9
Jet Bin Fever - 2013-05-09

I wasn't sure if this would get 5 until they got to the Glenn Beck and LaPierre stuff.

baleen - 2013-05-09

Not a fan of Al Sharpton, I think he's a pretty corrupt man himself, but man does the Right keep digging. I try to avoid MSNBC and the exchange of heated air on television. It's kind of like idea porn.

Old_Zircon - 2013-05-09

Yeah, this was submitted because of everyone involved.

Cena_mark - 2013-05-09

Lapierre just keeps topping himself in being a callous asshole.

jangbones - 2013-05-09

Fox is so good and experienced at pushing a partisan viewpoint, they can actually be slightly more reasonable and balanced on some issues

MSNBC is Fox ten years ago, having fully embraced a partisan agenda but still learning how to do it with a little subtelty

CNN is rapidly decaying into sheer stupidity

None of them are worth an iota of time or attention from reasonable people

Well, Maddow is pretty good sometimes

Old_Zircon - 2013-05-09

My parents watch CNN but they're 70.

EvilHomer - 2013-05-09

I try and avoid the news media altogether. Yesterday at the laundromat, I happened catch a snippet of some guy yapping on about HOW EVERYONE WAS SCARED OF HAVING THE BOSTON BOMBER BURIED IN THEIR TOWN and how SOME CRAZY ASSHOLE FROM HAMDEN OFFERED TO DONATE A BURIAL PLOT TO DIRKA THE TERRORIST, I DUNNO, KINDA SOUNDS LIKE THIS HAMDEN GUY HATES AMERICA, RIGHT "PROTESTORS" whom we're going to interview right after these commercials for hitech dental floss. I couldn't last five minutes.

I usually just piece together what's going on based off the news clips you guys submit here.

Old_Zircon - 2013-05-09

The week of the bombing was the first time I had deliberately watched news in probably a decade, and as soon as the manhunt was over I turned that crap off.

Gmork - 2013-05-09

Oh boy. I'm going to have to just sidestep over this way now...

See? I'm not next to the NRA anymore!

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