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Comment count is 10
Scrimmjob - 2013-06-11

I wonder how many fairlights are up and running today? Also Jan hammer watching miami vice and fucking around on the keyboard is great.

morva - 2013-06-11

Australian made! :D

Rosebeekee - 2013-06-11

One of my favorite composers. I strongly recommend Beyond the Mind's Eye and Cocaine Cowboys.

Bootymarch - 2013-06-11

I strongly recommend The First Seven Days, but you can't sample it because I'm gonna do that

TheDuke - 2013-06-11


chumbucket - 2013-06-11


Jet Bin Fever - 2013-06-11


Jet Bin Fever - 2013-06-11

Jan seems even cooler when he's interviewed by someone as lame as John Tesh.

BHWW - 2013-06-11

The perfect music for driving late at night while reflections from neon signs and street lights crawl across the lens of your sunglasses.

Binro the Heretic - 2013-06-11

Or cruising the waves in your Stinger at sunset while the warm salt breeze ruffles your perfectly coiffed hair and the lights of Miami sparkle like a constellation on the horizon.

I loved that fucking show so much when I was a kid and refuse to apologize for that.

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