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Comment count is 11
Sputum - 2013-07-19

cute until you start thinking about eraserhead

chairsforcheap - 2013-07-19

hahahah holy shit good point. Fuck you mihai!

Hooker - 2013-07-19


Hooker - 2013-07-19

Who keeps letting this shit out of the Hopper, anyway?

Toenails - 2013-07-19

Okay, I was wondering who the fuck this mihai francu was when people were discussing them on that video where that kid ate KFC and acted like a 60 year old guy from Brooklyn.

Hey, what happened to that kid? I want more of his videos on this site. That guy was tons of wonderful.

RocketBlender - 2013-07-19

I must have missed all of this. Who is Mihai and why do we hate him?

Hooker - 2013-07-19

Bot that posts all his channel's videos. May-or-may-not be videos stolen and re-uploaded to his YouTube account.

il fiore bel - 2013-08-17

The majority of them definitely are stolen. If you look them up, you'll even find some of them already on youtube months before mihai's uploads.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-07-19

You guys are just upset that you don't own a duckling that snores.

memedumpster - 2013-07-19

Sleep quacknea.

il fiore bel - 2013-08-17


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