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Comment count is 15
love - 2013-10-08

something about a toilet paper roll. unsure. I was having cognitive difficulty after the first 20 seconds.

Blue - 2013-10-09

I'm having cognitive difficulty too, but I'm pretty sure that it's a bird feeder. You get a paper plate and a toilet paper roll and some yarn... just google it.

Meerkat - 2013-10-09

1. Fill toilet paper roll with peanut butter.
2. And Marshmallow.
3. Cut a sponge and duct tape it to the toilet paper roll.
4. Now insert a condom and


deuteranomalous - 2013-10-08

Why is dick cheney's daughter singing about peanut butter. Also why couldnt they afford a real kitchen. So many questions

exy - 2013-10-09

It's the 21st century! Now everyone can make bad '70s songs!

William Topaz McGonagall - 2013-10-09

please stop posting tim and eric clips to the front page

baleen - 2013-10-09

She knows who Tim & Eric is... I think she might be socially engineering youtube!

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-10-09

I really love Keyboard Cathy. I have several of her albums and like them non-ironically. I really hope she makes more music videos.

memedumpster - 2013-10-09

I too smear peanut butter on toilet paper rolls, there are many varied reasons you'd want to do that.

gravelstudios - 2013-10-09

It's as if Carol King and Leslie Hall got into that machine from The Fly.

chumbucket - 2013-10-09

Why not every piece of music needs a music video.

biclops - 2013-10-09

Bo Burnham has not aged well.

Jaguar Wong - 2013-10-09

I like peanut butter and I like this. \m/

Killer Joe - 2013-10-09

You know, one time I saw a woman with a quilting show on PBS. It was fascinating to watch, because the women loved the hell out of everything involved with quilting. I liked it.
I feel the same way about this.

pyslexic dharmacist - 2013-10-13

Those poor children....

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