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Comment count is 7
Jet Bin Fever - 2013-12-11

Oh I see, it's funny because they get murdered in prison.

snothouse - 2013-12-11

Did you hear about the Robot Chicken writer who wrote a sketch where someone wasn't brutally murdered at the end?
Me neither.

Rosebeekee - 2013-12-11

I voted this up just to preserve some of the shitty comments on youtube:

Henrik Magnusson
1 year ago
Robot Chicken is right, bully victims should just bring guns to school and murder their tormentors, because its not like society is even trying to stop it.

1 year ago
fuck you just because you're a loser because you failed at school while the nerds are making heaps of cash and banging your wife while you're out at your low paying shitty job

1 year ago
The movie is awesome the nerd with the laugh actually has sex with her and she actually enjoys it so no harm done ^_^

1 year ago
The prison jokes are funny in this show.

1 year ago
Wtf half the charges were bullshit, they never "assaulted" anyone

1 year ago
in reply to mcc1789
and wedgies AREN'T assaults? if anything thats SEXUAL assault, i mean sticking your hand down a minors pants to touch their underwear?? boy white people a sick

Rape. Wedgies. Same thing.

Hooker - 2013-12-11

I've never actually watched Robot Chicken. Is this actually a highlight of the show?

BHWW - 2013-12-11

Oh yes, Robot Chicken is a stream of tired references punctuated by WACKY VIOLENCE, including the always tedious "characters from a childrens' show portrayed as violent lunatics or sexual deviants LOL FTW!!!!" humor, it's like a show produced for people who produce and/or read lots of LOL WACKY RANDOM fanfiction or webcomics.

BHWW - 2013-12-11

Seriously, I wish I could give this one-stars repeatedly.

Shoebox Joe - 2013-12-13

The one thing that makes this funny to me is the unwritten rule of nerds being socially awkward and unaware. It sort of comes together when the court ruling comes in, but it's never really acknowledged.

It's one of those open ended skits that suffers thanks to all of the other boring ass skits.

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