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Comment count is 25
Riskbreaker - 2014-06-13

More like prehistoric hunter.

Raggamuffin - 2014-06-13

Saber-tooth tiger hunter

Father Avalanche - 2014-06-13

Turok: Nana Hunter

Sanest Man Alive - 2014-06-13

I thought grave robbing was a felony, or is that not in all states?

misterbuns - 2014-06-13


urbanelf - 2014-06-13

Dat's a fine ass bitch right there. Grandma ain't too bad, neither.

Callamon - 2014-06-13

If they go bad from the top down he must love sucking toes.

Yellow Lantern - 2014-06-13

Not my thing, but honestly, Marjorie seems like a pretty cool old lady.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-06-13

"The natural hang" is a great name for a band, or maybe a health food store.

That guy - 2014-06-13

judging and vomiting

Father Avalanche - 2014-06-13

this is sweet, save for all the exploitation.

Father Avalanche - 2014-06-13

well, maybe not sweet, but i don't know. that really old woman seemed happy.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2014-06-13

like a pulled-open grilled cheese sandwich

Adham Nu'man - 2014-06-13


Oscar Wildcat - 2014-06-14

You are a Terrible Person. Here's some stars.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-06-13

Holy hell, Kyle's Mom!

OxygenThief - 2014-06-13

Love is a Battlefield. This love is the Battle of the Somme.

Old_Zircon - 2014-06-13

"Wired" in the context of behavior is a great red flag for bullshit.

memedumpster - 2014-06-13

This is also a red flag in the context of magazines.

Riskbreaker - 2014-06-13

It's a red flag for the guys at the cemetery, somebody is stealing their corpses.

oddeye - 2014-06-13

He loves getting "gums-only" oral and she loves young black bucks. What's the problem?

Also maybe they actually like each other as people and they are both adults so fuck off.

Sputum - 2014-06-13

How many years has sfw fetish work been rolling on?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-06-13

It's gonna be tough when this guy is sixty, looking to woo a 120 year old.

misterbuns - 2014-06-14

You fucking victorians.

Chocolate Jesus - 2014-06-14

Dunno if the video mentions it but this guy has done a ton of (granny) porn.

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