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Comment count is 5
Azmo23 - 2014-08-14

whoops i just submitted this same thing

glasseye - 2014-08-14

Ferguson, not Furguson.

infinite zest - 2014-08-14

corrected. Thanks glasseye. I've never been there but I knew a lot of Furgusons so it must've been a Freudian slip of sorts.

glasseye - 2014-08-26

No problem; I'm a Ferguson (born in Scotland). I wasn't aware of anyone spelling it "Furguson" (it's a common misspelling of my name), but a quick google search indicates that it is indeed a real thing.

EvilHomer - 2014-08-15

Dupe police here. Sir, please put your hands on hood of the vehicle. Good, now don't move, I'm going to try and aim this teargas cannister right between your eyes.

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