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Comment count is 23
yogarfield - 2014-10-09


baleen - 2014-10-09

:50 o o O O( Well, I guess if you squint hard enough, an underaged vagina KIND OF looks like the living body of our savior Jesus Christ.)

jreid - 2014-10-09

0:50 is the face of a man storing something in the spank bank.

infinite zest - 2014-10-09

Um, I'm not going to bother looking this up, but why the two beds? This looks like a 90s show and the two bed thing went out with All in the Family, if not even before that.

magnesium - 2014-10-09

It was a family friendly jesus-y type show about a pastor and his wife and they had like ten kids or something so I would assume they shared bedrooms and got up to sibling hijinks.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-10-10

Actually, it's amazing how vaginal most shrines to the virgin Mary look, isn't it?

The Mothership - 2014-10-09

Get low tag.

namtar - 2014-10-09


infinite zest - 2014-10-09

Oh my god. Now the description makes sense.

hammsangwich - 2014-10-09

Goddangit, if only this guy was a high ranking republican senator.

Bort - 2014-10-10

"'7th Heaven' Dad Confesses On Tape To Child Molestation by VJ namtar"

dairyqueenlatifah - 2014-10-10

HAHAHA HOLY FUCK I hadn't heard about this.

Why are the wholesome religious fundies always pedos? WHY?!?!

Bort - 2014-10-10

I have grown to despise the word "wholesome"; to me it has ceased to have anything to do with fostering good health, and is all about ignorant people forcing their way on other people, figuratively and literally.

Anaxagoras - 2014-10-10

He wasn't actually a religious fundy. He was into Transcendental Meditation and sounded interestingly alternative when it came to religion.

Mother_Puncher - 2014-10-09

Was she looking at him seductively and smiling or was she unaware he was there?

Rafiki - 2014-10-09

I think what they were going for was crusty old out of touch dad walking in on his daughter dancing, she doesn't stop dancing because she just don't give a fuck like kids these days, and dad just walks away nonplussed because he's out of touch and doesn't get it.

But naturally it all breaks down since somebody thought it was a good idea for her to do sexy dancing while calmly looking her dad dead in the eyes.

Caminante Nocturno - 2014-10-09

What the hell is she listening to? It sounds like the music from a ringtones commercial.

Xenocide - 2014-10-09

The original cut of this episode featured a rap song here, but they changed it after it caused 90% of the show's target audience to empty their assault rifles into the TV. When questioned, they said they felt "threatened."

That guy - 2014-10-09

not at all what this thread is about, but I checked and she looks just fine as a grown up.

Caminante Nocturno - 2014-10-09

That's literally the exact opposite of what this thread's about.

infinite zest - 2014-10-10

Namtar's youtubedoubler above summed it up. I haven't seen the show and thought maybe they were married, or if nothing else, why the two beds (almost every show I remember had bunk beds for children, and if not, the more mature one had her own room etc.) but yeah. This isn't fiction and is incredibly fucked up, especially given the context of the show.

3Leukothea5 - 2014-10-10

This is especially appropriate since the guy who played her uber Christian father on the show has just recently been accused of child molestation. 4 stars for great timing!

dairyqueenlatifah - 2014-10-10

This is about as edgy as this show ever got.

And thanks to namtar's link, 0:45 now has proper context.

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