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Comment count is 15
Pillager - 2014-11-06

He's mellowed out a lot, but he's my fave.

fedex - 2014-11-06

a laughed for an hour straight

then I watched it again

jreid - 2014-11-06

I laughed for an hour straight, then I pressed play.

Enjoy - 2014-11-06

I laughed for an hour straight, then I turned gay.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-11-07

Enjoy, does this mean you're magical now?

exy - 2014-11-06

Jerry Maguire story had me good.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-11-06

Watched this yesterday, and now I'm going to watch it again. Patton Oswalt is not only the funniest standup around, i think he's literately been a guest star on every current TV show. Check out his IMDB page!


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-11-06


Obviously, that was the wrong link. Here's the right one.

mon666ster - 2014-11-06

This is a master at the peak of his craft. It's sad to say his latest one, "Tragedy Plus Comedy Equals Time" wasn't all that great.

chairsforcheap - 2014-11-06

dude it was fucking great, not as good as this, but great

TeenerTot - 2014-11-06

I adore him.

I made a ringtone from his "I hate! I HATE!!!"

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-11-06

I love the description:

"Not sure if this has copyright, as I found this just publicly available on a different site."

Not that I object to it being shared, but it takes a special snowflake kind of stupid to ignore the Showtime logo in the corner and even a rudimentary version of copyright law.

Adham Nu'man - 2014-11-06

"From the director nyeah... and the director of nyyyyeeeh..."

Caminante Nocturno - 2014-11-07

After hearing everyone around constantly quote that "show me the money" line, I wanted to scream "FUCK YOU!" to Tom Cruise as well.

il fiore bel - 2014-11-08

For his brother yelling "Fuck you!" at Tom Cruise.

I was laughing hard at that for two minutes straight while trying to hold in a mouthful of burger.

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