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Comment count is 7
Dinkin Flicka - 2015-01-29

Only Vice would make an Iranian Western.

That guy - 2015-01-30

It looks like they're just co-distributors.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-01-29

The last year or two has seen a resurgence in non shitty horror movies. Mama, The Babadook, The Young Ones. It Follows looks promising.

FABIO - 2015-01-30

The Orphanage was decent.

I've heard good things about Occulus, and........fuck some other recent horror movie I can't remember. Poster was an empty swing?

The Mothership - 2015-01-29

yea, ok.

infinite zest - 2015-01-30

A band I used to play in did a majority of the soundtrack. We're still friends but it's kind of a revolving door. Anyway that's why I went, not expecting much but it's way better than Only Lovers Left Alive, which I also really liked.

chumbucket - 2015-01-30

This doesn't look like a western.

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