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Comment count is 12
EvilHomer - 2015-04-26

Reverse Vore?

huene - 2015-04-26

Deserves even more stars for several plot twists.

Old_Zircon - 2015-04-26

Ribbon snakes are the best snakes.

simon666 - 2015-04-26

Yeah Ribbon (Garter, out here) snakes are pretty fine snakes--any snake lacking venom is pretty good in my book, actually. Of the non-venomous snakes in California, however, I've got to go with the majestic California Kingsnake.

Old_Zircon - 2015-04-26

Back in college I was walking home from class, right in the middle of Boston, and I found a pile of at least 14 of these guys all tangled up right next to the sidewalk. No idea if it was a mating thing or what.

One of my first pets was actually a garter snake I convinced my dad to order from a snake farm that bred them for dissection. She was a pretty great snake.

Robin Kestrel - 2015-04-26

The table-tennis net is the natural enemy of the snake.

Killer Joe - 2015-04-26

Nature just does not give a fuck.

Binro the Heretic - 2015-04-26

Poor little guy. He enjoyed a nice meal and crawled into what he thought was a cozy nest of leaves to let it digest. Then he got all bound up, it couldn't pass through and was caught up in there who knows how long fermenting.

Those guys did good.

RedHood - 2015-04-26

Echoed this. Cute little guy.

That guy - 2015-04-26

Probably the most useful thing these two doofuses will do this decade.

ashtar. - 2015-04-27

These stars are for teenage doofuses saving rather than tormenting animals.

glasseye - 2015-04-27

Ditto. Good job, kids.

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