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Comment count is 8
urbanelf - 2015-07-22

Is this NBA or NCAA?

Gmork - 2015-07-22

Hop-up is neat.

Chocolate Jesus - 2015-07-22

i had no idea

Potrod - 2015-07-22

So before watching this video, you were not only familiar with how the magnus effect works, but knew exactly how dramatic a gently spun basketball would curve after being dropped off a dam, were familiar with the flettner rotor boats, the old plane that used this concept instead of wings, and the current unmanned rotor aircraft?

memedumpster - 2015-07-22

Physics needs to get back in the game engine and make him a sandwich!

That guy - 2015-07-23

That's just Choco J being Choco J.

fluffy - 2015-07-22

This video keeps triggering my acrophobia

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-07-24

It's doing the opposite for me. I tend to love videos from high places.

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