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Comment count is 9
That guy - 2016-02-04

not my favorite ep of this guy

Old_Zircon - 2016-02-04

Yeah, I like Erik but this one's a solid B-.

Accidie - 2016-02-04

eh. B solid.

infinite zest - 2016-02-04

I kind of like his new alterego but he also kind of missed the point here.. I was wondering if I should submit it or not, but was surprised how the whole flat earth stuff with B.o.B went by poeTV without much notice, or maybe nobody cared.

Basically, rapper makes a song about the earth being flat, and Neil deGrasse Tyson calls him on it. So, rapper pens a NdG dis track. Tyson hires his own nephew (who's also a rapper) to record a B.o.B dis track.. and on and on.. between this and twitter it was pretty much an internal thing between those two with some pretty hilarious results. Anyway, bringing in old Tila and random flat earth folks really has nothing to do with what conspired over the last couple of weeks. In a way this has all the ramblings of a John Oliver segment.

But now you know, even though you probably already did.

infinite zest - 2016-02-04

*TRANSpired, not conspired.. or maybe..

Old_Zircon - 2016-02-04

I pretty much forgot about B.o.B. around 2009, not for any good reason he just wasn't really holding my attention anymore. So I had no idea where he had ended up.

infinite zest - 2016-02-05

I'd never even heard of him until a few weeks ago. Maybe it was all some publicity stunt to get people to either notice him for the first time or remember him. If so, that's genius! Plus I remember being really high on mushrooms myself and thinking the world was flat back in college, at least for a couple of hours..

Bort - 2016-02-04

Erik still pleases me so five stars, and by stars I mean holes in the canopy above our world.

Old_Zircon - 2016-02-04

Yeah, my faith in him remains untarnished, I just thing this one was 2 minutes too long.

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