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Comment count is 9
KnowFuture - 2007-04-09

Ooooh, yup-yup-yuppie!

boba. - 2007-04-10

still better than most of the shitty music and anime videos accepted here now.

Doctor Hackenbush - 2007-04-10

Oh. So that's what Steve Carrell was up to in the late 80s.

Kumquatxop - 2007-04-10

seriously people

grimcity - 2007-04-10

Blazen Hazen with more expensive production. Evil.

Mr. Quibble - 2007-04-10

Most inappropriate use of "shut yo' mouth" ever

enjoy - 2007-04-10

He should donate his eyebrows to cancer patients.

fluffy - 2007-04-11

I'm a player!

chicagospots - 2007-09-02

The original Yuppie Rap and history of the video is posted here:

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