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Comment count is 8
chumbucket - 2016-03-04

Patton Oswalt acting as Hayden Christensen

blue vein steel - 2016-03-04

wow, you're right

TeenerTot - 2016-03-04

Aha ha ha ha haaa!

This show sucked.

FABIO - 2016-03-04

I could never get into it. It seems like it's a show that funnier recounting than it is watching.

Old_Zircon - 2016-03-04

It depends on the season. Season 2 was the best one.

Old_Zircon - 2016-03-04

Think of it as Cheers if every character was either Cliff Claven or Frasier.

FABIO - 2016-03-04

Jesus seeing CRT monitors in (not very) old shows is so jarring.

memedumpster - 2016-03-04

Once VR seizures become a thing, z-axis pixels will have to be invented and they will make a comeback.

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