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Comment count is 5
Sudan no1 - 2016-03-23

An accurate portrayal of the European toilet industry.

Quad9Damage - 2016-03-23

Anvil-Soft made two games, this one and "Kartoffelpueree" (a bullet hell with vegetables.) Their homepage, which looks like it was designed circa 1998, was last updated January 1, 2007. They are now accepting PayPal in their online store.

Jet Bin Fever - 2016-03-23

He has strong feelings about this game.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2016-03-23

Let me enumerate the good features of this video.
1. Does not start with "Hey guys!"
2. Relatively concise and short
3. Focus on most funny aspects of poor game design, not just a whiny complain-fest
4. Actually amusing video

twinkieafternoon - 2016-03-24

He has a lot of problems with the game that I find true to life. Sanitation-board people not doing their job IS accurate. Also, did he think roughian-toilet-vandals-for-hire would be attractive people?

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