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Comment count is 11
chumbucket - 2016-04-05

This even exists.

Old_Zircon - 2016-04-05

And has a theme song!

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-04-05

You are what you eat!

baleen - 2016-04-05

"the whole room just opened up"

baleen - 2016-04-05

"huge sashays full of taste"

chumbucket - 2016-04-05

"it hit all the right notes"

Maggot Brain - 2016-04-05

Not my favorite ramen reviewer.

gambol - 2016-04-05

The Ramen Rater is a great website, and exhaustive. His reviews set the bar for the rating of instant ramens.

SolRo - 2016-04-05

"Of all time of 2015"

chumbucket - 2016-04-06

I struggled to get my head around that and then considered what he probably meant but I cared too little to matter.

SolRo - 2016-06-12

I saw the top ramen of all time at one of my local Asian markets today. They actually advertise with this accolade using a sticker on the packaging.

Seeing the "top ramen of all time 2014" right next to "top ramen of all time 2015" created a causality loop and I ended up buying both.

2015 isn't bad....like a nice Thai curry with a shit ton of lime, and a light chemical aftertaste.

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