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Comment count is 6
Redford - 2016-06-02

Man, I hope these guys don't get in a war with the anti-vaccine people over what's actually causing Autism.

Am I the only one who found everyone in the entire room randomly raising their hands for no reason incredibly weird and creepy?

memedumpster - 2016-06-02

Don't read the YouTube comments.

I'll be outside, staring at the sun.

jangbones - 2016-06-02

I read the comments.

I should not have.

BHWW - 2016-06-02

Bill Gate$ used a mosquito drone containing a dose of the Zika virus to assassinate Prince because he knew too much about Chemtrails (aka Purple Rain)

Binro the Heretic - 2016-06-02

Except what?

Oh, excerpts.

Never mind.

Oktay - 2016-06-03

Ok, I'm gonna come clean, I was being serious. I think it's significant that they're finding increasing levels of aluminum in rain water or in places like Hawaii or Mount Shasta. If I'm not mistaken, here should be none, let alone increasing levels of it.

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