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Comment count is 6
Redford - 2016-06-06

Oh. She doesn't call it by it's actual name. She calls it by it's brand name. It's a "Kitchen Aid".

This reminds me of that food science video that got added a while ago where a snooty chef literally creates his own processed cheese out of 50$ cheeses and then makes a grilled cheese sandwich out of it.

Hugo Gorilla - 2016-06-06

I call pimento cheese the "caviar of the south" ever since I watched that episode of Better Call Saul.

This video wasn't as overwrought as I thought it was being though.

Old_Zircon - 2016-06-07

Looks goodto me.

It takes me 8-10 hours to make pancakes (that's mostly fermentation time though) so I can't really criticize anyone for overwrought cooking.

The Mothership - 2016-06-07

Its not Girls Out West, but it'll do.

chumbucket - 2016-06-07

yeah that looks disgusting

Hailey2006 - 2016-06-11

I thought it said "Blondie makes a cheese sandwich" and thought it was going to be Debbie Harry

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