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Comment count is 10
blue vein steel - 2016-11-14

has the term "dingbat" ever been more fair and appropriate?

chumbucket - 2016-11-14

Neurons flipping and flapping on and off in random sequences. Her multi-threading processor is about to do a full core dump.

kingarthur - 2016-11-14

So, is she really like this or is she the world's greatest living troll?

Settle the debate for me, POETV.

kingarthur - 2016-11-14

Now that I've seen her outside of a performance at length, I'm on the side of "Oh god, she's really like this."

15th - 2016-11-14

She looks like Wisconsin wife model 1/4.

M-DEEM - 2016-11-14

Normally I'd get all ginned up to defend Wisconsin but that is completely accurate

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-11-15

She used to be hot, now she's not, and so this how she gets attention and affirmation. Poor Victoria Jackson doesn't realize how much she needs feminism.

Am I being a condescending liberal? Maybe but JESUS, LOOK AT HER!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-11-15

Meanwhile, Norah Dunne, who refused to appear with Andrew Dice Clay, is getting real jobs, including Clorox commercials..

Pillager - 2016-11-15

No, she needs Haloperidol.

Ugh - 2016-11-15

time for weird al to put her in a home

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