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Comment count is 9
Old_Zircon - 2016-11-15

It wasn't just my imagination, Mr. Gray was the spitting image of the guy who sold Dennis Hopper the chainsaws in Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2.

grimetooth - 2020-09-16

Old Zircon! I never realized you were a Rockport guy. I had Mr Gray as a teacher in the late 90s.

Rangoon - 2016-11-15

Interesting. I'll watch later, but thanks now for this!

Old_Zircon - 2016-11-15

Most of it's really boring, to be honest. As far as I can tell fully half of this clip is just a field hockey game between them and Pawtucket (of all places).

15th - 2016-11-15

This explains everything.

Old_Zircon - 2016-11-15

What I learned from that science class:

-it is absolutely possible for a born again Christian and creationist (who had been saved after a life of professional auctioneering, truck driving and hard drinking) to be a good science teacher and leave his beliefs completely outside of the classroom. In fact I'd say he was the best science teacher I had in school period.

-be careful not to get any sodium under your findernails on a hot day, becasue it will end up in your pocket and sooner or later you'll sweat enough that your pants will catch on fire (he put himself out quickly and was uninjured).

15th - 2016-11-15

He seems cool. I love the fish tie.

Old_Zircon - 2016-11-15

He had a pretty good 3 Stooges tie, too.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2016-11-15

I get easily sucked into these old HS videos on YT mostly to check out the chicks and to fantasize about shooting the jocks.

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