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Comment count is 31
Bort - 2017-01-04

If they're saying "Incest yay!", then we've got some submitter / video synergy. (semi-obscure X-Men reference)

Kid Fenris - 2017-01-04

I just looked that up, and now I'm really glad that the most prominent nerd-culture character named Fenris is the elf from Dragon Age.

Bort - 2017-01-04

The most classic of X-Men writers, Chris Claremont, had a thing for villains with fetishes:

http://comicbuzz.com/2011/11/of-mutant-bondage-the-kinky-chris -claremonts-x-men/

But then there's this lack of good sense when it comes to the heroes too, such as Claremont's decision that Nightcrawler is banging his sister and everyone thinks it's awesome:

http://www.cracked.com/article_18957_the-8-most-awkward-sexual -moments-in-comic-book-history_p2.html

Not that Claremont was alone in writing stuff that is icky as hell by today's standards. Anyone else remember Deathstroke boning Terra, who was still a teenager?

I blame the sexual revolution of the 60s and 70s. Prior to that, we had our Puritanical rules governing sex, that the Religious Right abides by to this day: everything outside of marriage is wrong, everything within the bounds of marriage is right. (That even extends to rape -- rape is wrong because it's sex outside of marriage, but within marriage it's not really rape.) The sexual revolution dared to challenge those rules and put consent as the fundamental rule governing all pairings (and triplings and so on). And indeed that's how it should be! But we're starting to see that consent is a more complex beast, and there are matters of coercion and power imbalance where not all consent is equally free.

So guys like Claremont were still saying "what's wrong with a brother boning his sister if they want to?" or "what's wrong with a grown man boning a teenage girl if they're both into it?" without waiting to hear an answer. A pretty good answer is: whenever it comes to teenagers or incest, there is a very strong possibility of one party coercing the other, intentionally or not.

This is the metaphor behind DBZ's Fusion Dance, where both parties have to be of comparable mass and power levels, or the result is freaks and mutants.

Caminante Nocturno - 2017-01-04

Shut up, Bort.

Bort - 2017-01-04


"The real pentacle of the Chris Claremont weirdness comes from a former DC call girl who now has a tangential involvement in indie comic books. The story, as reported by her, was that she was at a comic book convention somewhere and walked by Claremont’s table. She stopped, looked at him for a moment and kept walking. She asks her friend who that guy is and the friend replies, “Oh, that’s Chris Claremont, he wrote the X-Men for a billion years.” The former call-girl then proceeds to tell the story of how for a few years in the mid/late 80s she would get a call to show up to a hotel in DC wearing a specific leather outfit and a white wig. She’d show up and the john would tell her to violently fist him. Turns out that john was none other than Chris Claremont, and he was getting the call girl to dress like Storm from the X-Men. A character, interestingly enough, that he had just de-aged to being 14 or so years old."

Bort - 2017-01-04

... that last bit about the 14-year-old is not a "pedo" dig; I've never thought you were a pedo and I don't approve of those cheap shots.

That said, Claremont DID have Storm de-aged ... and not long after that she was almost raped by a trucker.

kingarthur - 2017-01-04

Claremont always, ALWAYS, had a thing for Storm. You could tell from his writing. The man basically wrote love/erotic prose to her for a few issues here and there and shipped her with a man (Forge) who took away everything it was to be her and yet she still ashamedly harbored feelings for him. And he made her the X-Men's leader and, just in case any racist fanboy questioned it, he had her beat Cyclops for the title with no powers.

Also, to be creepily pedantic, Nightcrawler and Amanda Sefton weren't exactly brother and sister, at least at first. He was an orphan her family took in. Still pretty much makes it adoptive incest though.

Yeah, Claremont was kinky.

Caminante Nocturno - 2017-01-04

Those links you gave are nothing but lowdown, gawker-level garbage written by and for scumbags. There's no good excuse for reading or supporting that kind of thing. Being offended by a comic's content sure as hell isn't a good excuse for it.

You can go ahead and call me a pedophile all you want, it's okay. It doesn't mean anything coming from anyone on this site.

bawbag - 2017-01-04

Bort, regarding 'cheap shots' did you miss the old days when he linked to his photobucket or his numerous comments about grown women being 'too developed' for him or miss the pics of his birthday parties for his half-naked anime child dollies?

The link is still up on PoETV, he's a fucking paedo.

Caminante Nocturno - 2017-01-04

See? Who's going to take a comment like that seriously?

bawbag - 2017-01-04


Bort - 2017-01-05

bawbag, I've been known to declare that I want to fuck hurricanes -- not all of them, just some of the more attractive ones. That is more damning than anything Caminante has actually said, as far as I can tell. Wake me up when he declares that he has fucked children or is trying to.

And I haven't forgotten the birthday cake thing. I do not give a single solitary shit about that, except that I hope Caminante enjoyed doing it.

bawbag - 2017-01-05

Bort, dude have a look at the other shit on his photobucket there, I can but lead a horse to water...

e.g. http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Caminante/library/tasteful/Strike% 20Panties?sort=3&page=1

Here --in the comments-- is another example of this grown-ass man being fucking gross: http://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=42515

There are so many more examples all the way back to his previous username. I don't know exactly how it keeps being rationalised away by folk around here, but it has been since the PoE-news days and it needs to stop.

Bort - 2017-01-05

"Fanservice. It would be perfect if they were more ... I don't know ... tropical-depression-based?"

See, I can make comments too.

You say I'm rationalizing Caminante's pedo tendencies away, I say you're over-eager to call the guy a paedo, with the snooty "a" and all. Hating on pedophiles is good clean fun we can all enjoy; I'm just very careful about whom I declare a pedo. It's almost like I've got some peculiar distaste for the witch-hunt instinct, go figure.

bawbag - 2017-01-05

It's a witch hunt now to point out that with almost two decades of creepy comments on POE and his photobucket contents that he's an actual paedo (or quasi-paedo as ED would have it)?

Are you doing the 'ahh but it's just cartoon children he jerks it to' thing? Because that is very much the sort of rationalising I mentioned.

As for the "snooty a" remark, that's how we spell it in British English Bort.

Bort - 2017-01-05

"It's a witch hunt now to point out that with almost two decades of creepy comments on POE and his photobucket contents that he's an actual paedo (or quasi-paedo as ED would have it)?"

Yes. I'm glad you get it.

I think it's most likely that he enjoys anime, and at some point people started razzing him about "Sailor Moon" and he decided it was simpler to make a bit out of it rather than get all defensive.

You know what an actual paeaeaedo wouldn't do? Draw attention to himself, even if it's of the "he likes Prop Girl, I bet he's a pedo" type.

Caminante Nocturno - 2017-01-05

This is the most anyone has cared about my photobucket account in over five years.

Although, I will admit that I miss posting Prop Girl.

And Wanda.

Bort - 2017-01-05

Speaking of Wanda, I wanted to ask how your kitties were, but I know they've got to be getting older and I was afraid to bring it up.

Caminante Nocturno - 2017-01-05

They're doing fine. They're both healthy and happy, although I am expecting them to start showing their age sooner or later.

Bort - 2017-01-08


Caminante Nocturno - 2017-01-11

=^● ⋏ ●^=

Nikon - 2017-01-04

I wish this pilot had been optioned instead of the X-men saturday cartoon we got in the 90s.

Kid Fenris - 2017-01-04

Poor Dazzler, the Pete Best of X-Men cartoons.

Sanest Man Alive - 2017-01-04

I just wish they'd kept Wolverine's Australian accent, or maybe just made an Aussie version of him called Drop Bear.

Xenocide - 2017-01-04

Even worse, the 90's team has no Nightcrawler. He's only in one episode of the 90's cartoon, in which he honest-to-goodness converts Wolverine to Catholicism.

Bort - 2017-01-04

... and in the comic, around the turn of the century, an evil faction of the Catholic Church ordained Nightcrawler so they could make him Pope, fake the Rapture via contaminated Eucharist*, and then expose Nightcrawler as a "demon".

*The bread that priests bless which then, via transubstantiation, literally becomes the body of Christ. -- Catechizin' Cbort

Killer Joe - 2017-01-04

The crew looks like the version that showed up in the 6 player arcade game back in the day.

Yellow Lantern - 2017-01-04

Yep, the game was actually made as a tie-in to this cartoon.

kingarthur - 2017-01-04

Yeah, this was a pilot. They also made a tie-in deluxe format comic from stills and cels of said pilot which was pretty cool.

Caminante Nocturno - 2017-01-04

The other flower immediately drops her when it sees what happened to its friend.

Quad9Damage - 2017-01-05

No place to hide... no place to run (no place to run)
The Mutant Age (Mutant Age)... has now begun!
X-Men (X-Men) this today (this today)
X-Men (X-Men) coming your way!

Magneto's hoardes are on their way to pillage, burn and plunder.
But there's one team that will not yield, the team that strikes like thunder!
X-Men (X-Men) this today (this today)
X-Men (X-Men) coming your way!

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