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Comment count is 14
shrike the halls - 2017-03-22

Lanza spitting game! Primitive Zerzan can only grunt in astonishment

Monkey Napoleon - 2017-03-22

Yeah, nah.

This is some weapons-grade stupid. Not only are chimps prone to almost human-like unnecessary violence in the wild, but chimps don't have anywhere NEAR the capacity for communication that humans have. A chimp can never communicate "yo I gotta get the fuck out of here or I'm seriously gonna start ripping some faces off" before it actually starts doing it.

The largest ever recorded band of wild chimps is in the neighborhood of 170 individuals, and the second most notable thing about that group is how violent they are, even against each other. So much so that researchers think that the upper limit for group size is practically bound to around this level. Any substantially smaller group living in the vicinity of a large group like this is fucking doomed. The more of them that there are, the more likely they are to gang up and not just fight, but murder individuals in their own group for no or spurious reasons.

If anything, raising a chimp like a human is a dampener on it's natural proclivity for violence. Obviously their behavior doesn't translate into human terms, but the fantasy that we're living in an "artificial" world of abstraction that emotionally damages us is just that... a fantasy. There is no sinister outside force that has made us this way. Everything we do and everything that happens as a result of it is dictated by who we are, not the other way around.

Monkey Napoleon - 2017-03-22

I shot my mouth off. 170 individuals at the time of their discovery, 220 at peak.

Chocolate Jesus - 2017-03-22

okay now correct the rest of the dumb shit you wrote

Monkey Napoleon - 2017-03-22

Feel free to correct it yourself.

The violence in chimp populations, as far as anyone can tell, goes up exponentially depending on the size of the population.

They murder members of their own groups for reasons that aren't understood and seem to be as simple as they didn't like an individual and it was unlucky enough to be caught alone by a small party.

They fight coordinated wars against neighboring populations as a matter of rote.

Monkey Napoleon - 2017-03-22

Sorry, but reality strongly disagrees with your teenage edgelord cynicsm.

Chocolate Jesus - 2017-03-22

>>the fantasy that we're living in an "artificial" world of abstraction that emotionally damages us is just that... a fantasy. There is no sinister outside force that has made us this way. Everything we do and everything that happens as a result of it is dictated by who we are

Chocolate Jesus - 2017-03-22

^^you really believe this?

Monkey Napoleon - 2017-03-22

Yes, with caveat that it justifies nothing.

The state of human civilization, with all it's highs and lows, isn't an accident... but the inevitable byproduct of human nature.

There is no evidence you or I or anybody even remotely has conscious control over anything they do.

This is my real pet peeve (and it's a huge pet peeve of mine) about what Lanza is saying here and what is an extremely popular stance when you actually dig in to what people believe. It allows people to believe they are somehow disconnected from the activities they can't stomach. It lets people think that they are apart from everyone else.

If you can't understand what makes this ideology dangerous, look at who is fucking proposing it in the clip.

Humans #1. Anybody who disagrees is the enemy in the only battle of identities that even matters.

Lord_Crocodilicus - 2017-03-22

>There is no evidence you or I or anybody even remotely has conscious control over anything they do

t. Jaden Smith

You can't be serious.

If you think this ideology is dangerous you're going to have to tell that to a whole lotta autistic kids who probably empathize with young Adam.
They don't murder within their own groups, in fact Jimmy Holmes explicitly stated he wanted his victims to be random, that's one of the reasons why he chose a movie theater.
If we're just throwing out fan theories, Lanza probably felt abandoned by his mother. Based on his obsession with this Travis the Chimp story I'd wager that there had been some flashpoint between the two where she had figuratively "stabbed him in the back" or possibly begun to discuss medication treatments for him.
This clip really made me think about the way we dump kids into the state. If you want to make the argument for ingroup preference, it's possible Lanza perceived his actions as putting some of those kids out of their misery; that they were doomed to spend the decade in hell...like he did.
Poor Adam just needed some love. Anybody know anything about his DDR obsession?

Monkey Napoleon - 2017-03-22

I'm 100% serious.

Even the use of the word "unnatural" bugs me, regardless of context. There is no such thing.

I don't dispute any of these motivations for why Lanza did what he did... but the underlying problem was that he thought he was special, for whatever reason. He thought he saw some kind of evil in the way civilization functions that few other people recognized. He thought society warps individuals into an "unnatural" state characterized by violence and evil. He thought these things, and if his experience didn't directly cause these ideas, at the very least it was what motivated him to act on them. It's not a pet theory, it's exactly what he's saying here.

The facts about chimps, human cognition, and the nature of reality don't support his position *at all*.

The obviousness of how important it is to recognize this is sadly lost on a lot of people who have experienced such overwhelming emotional trauma as a skinned knee caused by another person... which is, by the way, about as serious as anything that's ever happened to you.

I am sick to death of people whose entire existence is propped up on the tacit misery of others, which is everyone, telling me about how bad humans suck and cheering the end of the species. I'm so sick of it that I'm starting to think that telling people who lean in that direction to kill themselves is probably the only intelligent thing to say.

Chocolate Jesus - 2017-03-22

you sound like more of a homicidal misanthrope than mr lanza

where were you december 14 2012??

Lord_Crocodilicus - 2017-03-22

You must be a trekkie, Monkey. That's some Gene Roddenberry levels of nuts...and trying to bully all the Adam Lanzas in the world into killing themselves is going to end hilariously bad for you I think.

Chocolate Jesus - 2017-03-22

society, and the situation of the individual in it, is just the meaningless interaction of subatomic particles.

--monkey napoleon

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