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Comment count is 4
jangbones - 2017-07-02


this makes me want to build a wall, shoot some guns, and deny the rights of non Christians

Old_Zircon - 2017-07-02

I'm going to swap a Sandy Patty tag in for the POETV Monday Night Raw one in a couple of days. Ran out of space.

RedRust - 2017-07-02

Went to a Sandy Patty concert once, when she was already washed up. Sometime in the middle of the concert there was a segment where she took questions and answers from the audience. Of course, there was an old lady who posed the question "So, how did you meet your current husband?" (Her current husband is the man she had an extramarital affair with back in the early 90s). Patty responded with a monologue that tied into her latest album of how God is a God of second chances or something along those lines. She then went into her next song unfazed.

Born in the RSR - 2017-07-03

I feel the communism melting away from within me. The light, it burns me!

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