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Comment count is 4
Space Odin - 2017-07-31


Space Odin - 2017-07-31

I have a new mission, and that mission is "become familiar with Pawan Singh."

Old_Zircon - 2017-07-31

I'm looking forward to reports from the field, because to be honest I still haven't actually watched any of his movies in their entirety. They are long and not subtitled and as far as I can tell even the most action packed Bhojpuri movie is like 60%-70% romcom.

What they lack relative to Telugu movies in self aware an sight gags they make up for in just shameless trashyness. At this point, based solely on their pop culture, my impression of the Bhojpuri region is that it's like the Indian/Nepalese version of New Jersey but with at least 500% more navel fetishism.

Old_Zircon - 2017-07-31

To be honest, and I really don't have any kind of actual cultural or linguistic understanding to back this up, but just on a surface level I kind of wonder if those Telugu action comedies like the Sampoornesh Babu one you posted are deliberately lampooning stuff like this one. Because even though there's comedy in these, Pawan Singh is still a legitimate Bhojpuri sex symbol and I'm sure this takes itself more seriously than it appears to an outsider.

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