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Comment count is 8
Dr. Lobotomy - 2007-05-09

A few pelvic thrusts before stepping in crap...

Severian - 2007-05-09

Wonderfully awful.

OxygenThief - 2007-05-09

Ready...set....and mince mince mince mince.

jaunch - 2007-05-09

That toothy wink at the end is what sells it.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-05-10

I didn't know Bjork had a brother! Somewhere, there is a Token weeping.

TheSnake - 2007-05-10

The rare case where taking it down an octive makes a song MORE gay.. who the fuck is this guy anyway

fluffy - 2007-05-17

I really have no idea whether that was cool or not. I guess that's kinda cool, right?

Uulanbaatorbaby - 2007-07-27


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