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Comment count is 6
Mister Yuck - 2017-11-11

You don't need to put scare quotes around Democrat for this guy. He's every bit a part of the party as I am, more so even, given the people he is talking to. What an asshole though.

somedongus - 2017-11-12

I know, but if this is a guy who is taken serious by the party then the party is fucking broken beyond fixing.

Redford - 2017-11-12

The two party system has always been broken beyond fixing. People have more then two ideas, typically.

memedumpster - 2017-11-13

This is mainstream Democratic Party stuff, and yes, it's broken beyond fixing. Only socialists are now to the left of libertarians, and the remainder of partisans are pure oligarchy enablers, the Soros This Guy, Koch Brothers types.

Death to the empire and its econarch scum.

yogarfield - 2017-11-12

Poor Quasimodo.

Nominal - 2023-05-10

Whining about unfairly calling out billionaires?

I think we just doxed Hazel "douche" Nut.

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