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Comment count is 6
Hazelnut - 2018-05-19

I don't care about the production values, I'm still not shelling out that much for Kingdom Death.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2018-05-19

I'm sure theres a tonne of art-wank metaphorical baggage to go along with this. But I simply see it as a zoetrope about beating the shit out of babies.. Which I think is something was can all appreciate. :)

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2018-05-19


Crab Mentality - 2018-05-19

I like how in a lot of classical art, if it was in the bible you're clear, so they're plenty of depictions of the beheading of Holofernes and such. The fall of Rome is fair game too, so this is EDUCATIONAL murder of babies.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2018-05-19

Hey hey wait now... Giving a baby a savage beating is all well and good, its character building. Its all in good fun. No-one was mentioning *murder*!

Gmork - 2018-05-19


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