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Comment count is 14
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2018-07-24

Ehh.. Is there some sort of moral panic unfurling in the US?
That is the vibe I am getting recently. [I never follow the news, so poetv is probably my main news source haha!]

casualcollapse - 2018-07-24

Adult Swim didn't fire him so Victory I guess

Nikon - 2018-07-24

Yes. The culture war is not a great thing.


bongoprophet - 2018-07-25

Well there is always room for moral panic and this one in particular is stoked by alt-right rape apologist Mike Cernovich, same as the James Gunn case.

4-chan also evidently going: "because If they get to take scalps for someone making racist jokes, we get to take scalps for them making pedophilia jokes"

Mister Yuck - 2018-07-25

The answer to that is almost always yes, but more so right now.

casualcollapse - 2019-11-20


casualcollapse - 2018-07-24

I want to know why you guys voted this out of the hopper when it 404d a couple hours after I submitted it and it only had my vote?

casualcollapse - 2018-07-24

Fuck I thought this was my video I submitted I didn't even see this was in the hopper

boner - 2018-07-24

Welcome to Channel 101, normal people!

casualcollapse - 2018-07-24

I thought it was funny

fedex - 2018-07-24

it had a few LULz but the overwhelming vibe was, "I'M DARING TO GO WHERE NO ONE WILL GO (except maybe Todd Solondz) SO WE CAN TALK AND LAUGH ABOUT HOW EXTREME PEDOS ARE PEOPLE TOO"

Gmork - 2018-07-25

Haha, he's said way worse than this and left it on his podcast. Context is everything and I'm not hearing any actual support of pedophilia, so... ::shrug::

Harmon already admitted he's pathetic and has tons of issues, you can't really put anything on him he hasn't already put on himself. I mean, Justin Roiland is fucking drinking himself to death while making the show. That's something you might actually be able to take issue with - letting his friend self-destruct because it fuels his voice acting.

somedongus - 2018-07-25

This is clearly making fun of how pretentious and overwrought Showtime's Dexter was.

Mister Yuck - 2018-07-25

Now I get it. 5 stupid stars for stupid people trying to end this guy's career.

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