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Comment count is 7
Born in the RSR - 2018-10-27

As i said on the dumpster, if i was 15 i'd be all about this shit, honestly.

Marlon Brawndo - 2018-10-27

The original was not good by any means. I've been angry about the way they have treated both Sabrina and Riverdale because they managed to suck all the actual fun out of both of those series. All of the characters are fucking depressing. The comics are always this cheerful sort of nonsense but they got really good with the multiple timeline issues where Archie married either Veronica or Betty. They could have done a show set in the 50s or 60s and follow the characters throughout the decades and made something amazing but instead they made a steaming pile of shit.

This looks maybe not as terrible but still terrible, but slightly better than the original series, whose only saving grace was Caroline Rhea.

Maggot Brain - 2018-10-27

Sure, why not?

Maggot Brain - 2018-10-27

Does the Riverdale have the time warping nature trail?

Ugh - 2018-10-28

what a wonderful subtle take on guzzling the seed of satan while trying to be a normal all american girl

Two Jar Slave - 2018-10-28

I'm happy that Archie show is a hit. That said, I have no interest in watching it or its spin offs. Godspeed, edgy Sabrina!

garcet71283 - 2018-10-28

Holding out for Archie vs. Predator.

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