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Comment count is 5
Raggamuffin - 2018-11-09

Sometimes I think about guys like this and how if I were stuck in their life it would be one of my worst nightmares.

Old_Zircon - 2018-11-09

I live in Will Oldham's old apartment right now, that's as close as I can really get to wrapping my head around it.

It's not bad, other than the occasional mouse and half the rooms being unheated. And Oldham's kind of boring white indie-dad music but he's respectable enough I guess, not like this shit.

Raggamuffin - 2018-11-10

It would just be so easy for me to be a Guy With a Guitar and be terrible and spend all my time thinking about how great I am.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2018-11-11

Dont u live in the US Zircon?
My bro in law *fucking loves* Bonnie Prince Billy. I respect my bro in laws musical ability / leanings.. so I have listened to quite a bit of BPB.
I would say that the album 'Superwolf' is really great.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2018-11-11

Oh yeah also 'the brave and the bold' with Tortoise is a great record.

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