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Comment count is 2
casualcollapse - 2018-11-25

Their real name is Paul Solieu(pronouncde swallow) and I have met him on more than one occasion.. Cool guy that certainly wanted to get me in bed at one point

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2018-11-27

How the fuck has no one given this any stars up to now?

I make art videos for YouTube that I think are kind of interesting and sometimes I have some cool ideas or funny jokes or interesting effects. They never turn out how I wanted them to, and they're basically finished when I give up on them, and I just I just upload them without being very critical, and I usually have no idea how people are going to react, or even if I'm going to like it myself until at least a couple of months down the road. I'm proud of my artsy fartsy hobby. Sometimes my videos are lame, but they're always playful and never mean. I've seen worse stuff on you tube.

However, almost everybody on youtube ought to feel as depressed and discouraged as I do if they ever take a look at some of the really great content that's available on Vimeo. I don't know if they have algorithms over there, but they do have editors who look for good content and find it. You have to wonder about what's being uploaded to YouTube, and is seen by no one.

I need to get better and get on vimeo, in whatever order is possible.

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