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Comment count is 7
Old_Zircon - 2018-12-10

Fucking finally. I saw this on TV once as a kid, and I also saw it on the Internet once in the early 2000s, but nobody ever believed me.

Old_Zircon - 2018-12-10

Actually, only a little of this is familiar (mostly the framing segments with Will Smith in bed, especially the ending) definitely not what I saw on line. Maybe I only saw an excerpt back in the day. It definitely made it to TV briefly despite the label claims, it was subject to a fair amount of playground talk in 5th grade.

betamaxed - 2018-12-10

I believed your claims because I saw this video too when I was a kid. I never got to see any clip of it on the internet. What's sad is that I don't remember the video to be like this which means I'm old enough for my memory stretching that far back to be unreliable.

Old_Zircon - 2018-12-10

I thought I saw a really low resolution clip of it around maybe 2004 but I think I'm confusing that with tracking down a grainy quicktime file of the original cut of Sex Dwarf, because I remember the background being a lot plainer and whiter.

There are a lot of people online who remember this being in heavy rotation for a week or two before the lawsuit, I wonder if the label is still denying that it ever aired or if they've changed their story now that a copy has emerged (officially every single copy including the master was destroyed per the terms of the settlement).

Mostly I remember talking about it at school, especially in art class.

Scrimmjob - 2018-12-11

Glad you were finally vindicated OZ. I do remember this, but only now that I've seen it again could I say that for certain.

boner - 2018-12-12

Five stars for nearly completing OZ’s bucket list. Still waiting for The Day the Clown Cried.

Old_Zircon - 2018-12-12

Bag Of Diamonds cut of Cheech and Chong's Next Movie

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