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Comment count is 6
cognitivedissonance - 2019-01-16

You REALLY don’t want a pet fox. Their urine is carcinogenic.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2019-01-16

Citation needed

Meerkat - 2019-01-16

It stinks lots. And if you try to clean it with water, then it really starts reeking up the place.

Meerkat - 2019-01-17

LOL Oh I guess I saw this video before and decided to tell everyone what he says in the video. Go me!

Anaxagoras - 2019-01-17

i gotta be honest with you: I might be willing to put up with incredibly foul urine for a pet that intelligent, cute, and personable.

Of course, foxes being wild animals, there's no way to tell ahead of time if *my* pet fox would be this awesome. This guy really lucked out.

Ugh - 2019-01-16

house for sale, slightly soiled

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