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Comment count is 10
Raggamuffin - 2019-01-18

It's too bad she won't live

That guy - 2019-01-19

I think that I probably don't want to know what youtube thinks of this scene.

That guy - 2019-01-19

I'm not sure I want to know what poetv thinks of this scene.

simon666 - 2019-01-19

Youtube basically: She said 'put your hands on me' and he didn't tell her to say it so it's not rape.

That guy - 2019-01-19

Wait, I said I didn't want to know but then you told me anyway...

TeenerTot - 2019-01-20

Well, it's a well-known fact that women have no ability to think for themselves, so it's only polite for the man to make decisions for them.

Also, the saxophone says she's into it.

Old_Zircon - 2019-01-20

To be fair, it's possible that this scene would have played less rapey if it weren't for Sean Young and Harrison Ford's deep, seething hatred for each other by the time it was shot.

That guy - 2019-01-20

Right, watching this again, I'm thinking that they actually didn't perform the scene that well. The two of them and Ridley Scott confused real emotion for the proper emotion.

That guy - 2019-01-20

Still going to have to disagree that "IT'S RAPE!!!!"

Adjuvant - 2022-02-02

Young seems to blame Ridley Scott, actually: https://www.thedailybeast.com/sean-young-on-surviving-hollywoods-m any-toxic-men

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