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Comment count is 9
simon666 - 2019-03-12

Fuck these people are insecure.

Nominal - 2019-03-12

Insecure people, these fucks.

That guy - 2019-03-12

People like these are insecure as fuck.

Hazelnut - 2019-03-12

These insecure people are fucks.

SolRo - 2019-03-12

insecure, these fucks are. mmhrm

Maggot Brain - 2019-03-12

Fucks are these? Insecure!

Gill_Sans - 2019-03-13

People, these are insecure fucks.

Nominal - 2019-03-14

But more seriously, there's only 2 basic driving principles behind conservatism: greed, and a constant pathological terror of being perceived as weak.

Mister Yuck - 2019-03-12

Sthkcesuef ienrsae ceuluproee p.

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